A BIG Impact

Tune in for a story between one of our recent mentoring matches. Stories like this are the foundation of what we do at BBBS-Mercer!

Big Brother James and Little Brother Cameron
at our 2023 Holiday Party.

Little Brother Cameron has been matched to Big Brother James for only a few months but his sister, who is his guardian reports that big changes have already been made. Cameron came to BBBS by way of his sister who recently was awarded guardianship after both parents passed away. Cameron being 14 years old we knew may not be matched since the wait list for boys was long and oftentimes, Bigs prefer younger children, but Cameron was special. Cameron had such a positive outlook on life and a smile that could light up a room! He was so excited to be matched, we knew he needed a great Big Brother. Big Brother James has been a Big Brother in our agency for over 20 years and had several successful matches.


After being matched for only a few months, Cameron’s sister reports that Cameron has improved in school and has become more motivated. James sends Cameron motivational text messages every morning that have really made an impact. When they get together, James listens to Cameron and allows him to talk about his emotions. Cameron’s sister said James is a “blessing” and she sent a message saying “ thank you so much, if it wasn’t for Big Brothers Big Sisters, we would have never found James.”