Mercer County Needs Mentors
Kicking off after Super Bowl Sunday, Big Brothers Big Sisters has partnered with the NFL Inspire Change initiative to launch The Big Draft!
This is a campaign to draft and recruit as many volunteer Big child mentors for the boys and girls on our waitlist!
Interested in volunteering? It’s easy!
Even just a game of catch with your Little Brother or Sister could be a touchdown in their life!
Sign up below to be Big today!
“It has been one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.” -2019 Big Sister of the Year Sanese
Being a Big Brother or Sister is as rewarding for you as the child you are mentoring.
Bigs often get donated tickets to various sports games, including college football, basketball, and NBA games.
Tickets for leisurely activities such as aquarium, zoo, theatre, theme park, and more are also donated.